I’ve created many portraits in my life and it is something that I feel quite grateful to participate in. Recently, I’ve felt the call to create more portraits than usual. It’s something that for me is a way to use my gifts as an artist to serve God and others. It may be one of the things that I find most directly as a service and I truly love doing it. Sure, it is difficult and it is actually work for me, but I find that it is a very good use of my time and that is blesses others and I feel that it does a worshipful respect to God to portray his children and show through them my love for humanity.
Here is the process to creating one of my recent portraits. It’s of my friend Rebecca Weller.
These first three are the preliminary portraits. I almost always start with lots of different ones and done in different ways.
The second block shows the actual piece as it developed from a drawing into layers of watercolor paint and water soluble carandache neocolours 2.
This is the final image of the portrait on watercolor paper and hanging in the studio.